You will notice the icon above with the words "Cookie Control" on it pop up when you try to access various parts of the website, the icon appears on the bottom left hand corner asking are you happy to accept cookies on your PC the reason for this change is as follows:-

From tomorrow, Saturday, 26th May 2012, a new EU and UK directive comes into force regarding the use of Cookies on users’ computers.

Cookies are small text files saved on users computers by websites when it is useful, or required, to store information to track or improve their browsing experience (such as remembering the login information of a user).

Full details on the new directive can be read up on the Information Commissioner’s website at

The directive itself can be read at

The club has had to comply with this directive or possibly face a fine for contravening it; hopefully the pop up window does not spoil your enjoyment of using our website and the facilities that it provides.