Statement from Stenhousemuir FC on the Resolution to be put forward to the EGM on 12th May 2020
There is no doubt that the last few weeks have been challenging, and at times embarrassing for Scottish football.
It is vitally important for the good of the game that we try to find solutions that can move matters forward, as opposed to what feels like being stuck in a constant battle of recriminations.
Therefore, Stenhousemuir FC intends to support the Resolution put forward by a number of clubs at the SPFL EGM on the 12th May.
We wish to make it absolutely clear that we are not picking sides in the debate that has raged over the past few weeks, but instead we believe that everyone involved in Scottish football needs to look in the mirror and ask themselves if they honestly believe that the culture and governance in our league setup is working as effectively as it should for the benefit of all its members?
Our support for the Resolution is not about retribution and is not aimed at anyone individually or collectively. Instead we hope that it can lead to greater transparency and provide a foundation for ending the mistrust that has crept into our league organisation.
Tomorrow offers an opportunity to vote on the future of our game. It is more than just the words contained in the resolution. Much more. We are voting for, and demanding change to the way we govern ourselves and to the culture that defines who we are, what we do, how we present ourselves, and how we reach decisions that affect all member clubs. How we behave transcends across into how our supporters see us and this influences their actions.
We believe that supporters of all clubs are fed up with the self-destruction and in-fighting that holds the game back, and instead want to see a league body that is focused on building a positive future for our game. We believe the wider public is fed up with the tribalism & negativity, and would rather see a league body that is united in mutually supporting clubs and communities throughout this crisis.
We believe that an independent review will offer much needed clarity and the chance for those on all sides who have been accused directly or indirectly to clear their name. When looked at under the microscope, free from one-sided opinion, we might discover that many actions and decisions were taken with good intention.
Scottish football faces some big decisions over the next six months. Divided, we will never find solutions to the current crisis that is affecting our game. An independent review that addresses the governance and culture within our game is needed to ensure we are united and focused on delivering solutions that ensures the survival of all clubs through this crisis, so that we can move forward in a way where clubs are working together for all of Scottish football, our supporters, and the communities we serve.
Iain McMenemy – Chairman, Stenhousemuir FC