Samaritans Awareness Day


The Saturday for our game vs Arbroath we welcome the Samaritans to Ochilview for our Samaritans Awareness Day.


We will be running a bucket collection before the game to raise money for the charity. The Samaritans has supported the club with an advertising board this season.

Samaritans responds to over 300,000 calls, texts, emails and face-to-face contacts in Scotland every year. No matter the time of day or day of the week, our volunteers are there on the end of the line for anyone struggling to cope.

Crucially though, calls to Samaritans aren’t only from those in absolute crisis and considering suicide.  In fact, only 1 in 5 people who call Samaritans says that they’re feeling suicidal. Addressing emotional pressures or worries and simply talking about these can prove truly valuable too.

Everyone feels low at some point in their lives and if you’re struggling it can be difficult to see beyond your current situation. Samaritans provides a safe space to talk about how you’re feeling, which can be a crucial first step to stop issues from building.

728 people took their own life in Scotland last year and the loss of each one of those lives will have had a devastating impact on families, friends and colleagues. Many of those people will have struggled silently. Yet ultimately, suicide is preventable. Providing a receptive ear and being willing to listen gives people a way to work through their feelings and find their own solutions. It takes heart, patience and courage to be that listening ear, but it doesn’t necessarily require professional skills or training.

If we all took more time to look out for those around us who might be struggling it could have a real impact. So, take a minute to ask someone how they are – and to really listen to that answer. Taking the extra minute to listen truly could save a life.

Samaritans is available round the clock, every single day of the year. We provide a safe place for anyone struggling to cope. Call 116 123 (this number is free to call and won’t show up on your phone bill) email, or visit to find details of the Falkirk branch.


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