We would like to apologise to all visitors to Ochilview for the ongoing impacts to the approach road and pathways in to the ground.  This is due to the building work taking place on the land adjacent to Ochilview.


We would ask all visitors to exercise extra caution as the various works are encroaching on to the shared road access and also on to the main access points in to Ochilview.

The club has been in discussions with the developers and contractors and has raised some serious concerns, particularly in relation to the current slopes and levels on this busy walk way. 


The developers Ramoyle Developments, along with the contractor Esh Border Construction, are unfortunately not listening or acting upon our concerns.  Given the amount of young people and vulnerable groups that use this road in to this community facility, we find this particularly disappointing.


Whilst the construction work continues, do be mindful of the road and footpaths and take care when using them.